World stock exchanges by market capitalisation

World stock exchanges by market capitalisation

By: Flegontida Date: 02.06.2017

Stock Exchange Market Capitalization | Caproasia Online

But how do other exchanges around the world, such as the ones in Toronto or London, compare to the famed NYSE? Of the top 20 stock exchanges on the above list, the oldest can be found in Frankfurt.

world stock exchanges by market capitalisation

Originally the location of medieval trade fairs in the 11th century, Frankfurt quickly became an important center for commercial and monetary transactions. The Most Listed Companies: It has 5, listed public companies, which is the most of any of the top 20 exchanges.

Biggest Stock Exchanges In The World -

The Largest Market Cap: Here are those visualized by market cap on a map from our previous infographic that showed all of the stock exchanges in the world. Article by Jeff Desjardins, Visual Capitalist.

world stock exchanges by market capitalisation

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