Binary arithmetic and logical operations

Binary arithmetic and logical operations

By: Lost 3 Date: 10.06.2017

Image arithmetic applies one of the standard arithmetic operations or a logical operator to two or more images.

binary arithmetic and logical operations

The operators are applied in a pixel-by-pixel way, i. Hence, the images must be of the same size.

binary - Are the shift operators (<<, >>) arithmetic or logical in C? - Stack Overflow

Although image arithmetic is the most simple form of image processing, there is a wide range of applications. A main advantage of arithmetic operators is that the process is very simple and therefore fast.

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Logical operators are often used to combine two mostly binary images. In the case of integer images, the logical operator is normally applied in a bitwise way. In this lecture we will talk about arithmetic operations such as subtraction and averaging as well as logic operations such as Not, And, and OR.

In this lecture we will see how we can remove noise from an image by using image averaging. Arithmetic and logic operations Image arithmetic applies one of the standard arithmetic operations or a logical operator to two or more images. Course Introduction Content overview 1.

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