Neopets stock market bargains

Neopets stock market bargains

By: Defined Date: 13.07.2017

Playing the Stock Market. The whole idea with the stock market is to "buy low, and sell high". You purchase "shares" of a "company" and when those shares have gone up high enough for you, you sell them for a profit. Ah, but there is a risk!

Companies CAN and DO go bankrupt, although it is rare. If a company goes bankrupt, you lose all the neopoints you have invested in that company. That is why the Stock Market is considered to be a "high stakes" gambling game. One last reality check before you begin If you don't have the neopoints or patience to wait for weeks If, however, you want to make really good neopoints with minimal effort and a slight risk, and you do have the patience necessary, then this just may be the perfect game for you!

The first thing you have to know is where to go to play. Go to the Games Room and scroll all the way to the bottom. See that cellphone wielding Chia? Click on him and a new page will open up. At the top of this page are several links Home - This is the first Stock Market page. Find Stocks - This is where you go to view all the latest stocks that are currently for sale. You can find these stocks either by typing in the abbreviation for the company of your choice in the box provided, or do what everyone else does It takes a random stock and gives you fake business information about it.

It has never made a difference in the rise and fall of any stock, in fact it is rarely updated, so it's just for atmosphere. Profile - You can officially ignore this page unless you're bored.

Message Board - This goes directly to the Stock Tips Chat Board on Neopets. My Portfolio - This takes you to your personal portfolio page.

This is where you will be doing your checking for stock movement, and where you will be selling your stocks. Buy - Usually you won't need to use this link since you will normally be choosing your stocks from the Find Stocks page and just clicking on the name of the one you wish to buy. Here you can type in the ticker symbol of your stock choice's name, and in the lower box the amount you wish to purchase in that stock.

From 1 - Help - Neopets' official VERY general FAQ page. No more having to wade through all of them to know what's in your price range! Stock Terms There are a few terms that you should familiarize yourself with before you read on. Otherwise you may not have any idea what I am talking about.

These are just general terms used most often on the Chat Board and in explaining about the market. For further information I would suggest checking out the Neopian Times articles on the Stock Market I have provided for you below. Lot - A Lot is a group of shares. So if I said I had "4 Lots of CHIA", that means I have 4, shares invested in the CHIA company.

It is the MAXIMUM amount you are allowed to buy a day. Share - A share is one piece of a company.

neopets stock market bargains

Neopets rules state that you may not buy more than shares 1 Lot of a company a day. Each share you buy must cost at least 15 neopoints. Portfolio - The current list of stocks you already own.

So if someone asks you about your portfolio, they are interested in how many shares you have already purchased and that are listed on your " My Portfolio " page. Black numbers mean "no change", red numbers mean "have dropped", and green numbers mean "have risen".

The Ticker is the abbreviation used to designate a company. Like ACFI instead of Achyfi Enterprises. Sell Point - The amount of neopoints a stock has to reach before you plan to sell it. Day Trading - A very expensive and high risk way to play stocks where you buy and sell the same day usually for very high priced stocks.

Read more about this way to play the game below. For further reading, and to better understand all those terms the more advanced players are throwing at you, please see these helpful Neopian Times articles!

The Guide to Stockmarket Jargon and Terms PT 1 - by nyyankeesfan72 - A very simple list of most frequently used terms and analogies for those who play the market.

Includes tips for players. The Guide to Stockmarket Jargon and Terms PT 2 - by nyyankeesfan72 - A more in depth article of more advanced terms and analogies for those who play the market. Includes tips and info for players. What You Need to Start. One of the most frequent and difficult questions to answer is, "How many neopoints do I need to play the game?

I will try to answer it as best I can, but there will be those who disagree. If you continue to read this page, you will see lots of "0's" behind lots of numbers. This means that there is often a substantial investment that you have to make to play the Market.

That would mean that you would be paying 15, neopoints just to buy your maximum shares for the day. After 7 days, you will have investednps! As the purchase price for each share goes up, so does the amount you have to pay. Although, if you are not adding to that account on a regular basis you will find yourself quickly depleting it, and eventually running out of ready neopoints to continue buying.

Many smart beginners to the Market keep their shops running just to ensure a ready amount of nps available to buy their stocks How much should you have in the bank then? To start a portfolio I usually recommend at leastnps. Because it can take days, months, even years depending on how many stocks you buy a day to make a really good profit on stocks.

You might have to wait weeks just to sell one stock, let alone the rest of your portfolio. This game IS a waiting game, and you don't want to be broke while you're waiting. If the nps are in your account, you're covered! If they aren't, you are going to have a hard time making the original buys so that you can make a profit later. Is it worth the wait? That's why so many people play this game! It doesn't deplete your bank account, you don't need any neopoints in the bank to start playing you can begin today if you wantand you could even try for those trophies and avatars while you're at it.

The downside is that if you aren't good at games, or really don't care to play any, you may fall far short of your 15k goal. My only advice, should you choose this way, is to try not to use anything but "game-made" neopoints for your buys. This will ensure that your bank account fills up in a fairly consistent manner both through games and sales.

It won't take long to see how much you have made just by visiting the bank! Since you aren't withdrawing nps, all you are doing is making neopoints! Having some neopoints in the bank AND playing a few games shouldn't be hard for anyone no matter what their level of gaming skill. Then, on the days you don't feel like playing you won't have to because you can use your saved neopoints. If your bank account gets depleted It is a nice balance that won't completely deplete your account, can add to your gaming skills, and keep you from spending too much when you don't have to.

Keep this in mind - The above ways are just to get you started. After a while the stock sales you make will allow you to buy your stocks solely on the sales alone. Then you won't have to worry about where the cash is going to come from unless there is a BIG lull in the market. You have been warned. The Buyers Information Page. As you can see, there looks like there is a lot going on! Fortunately, there really isn't. All you have to worry about when looking at this page is the two yellow areas above.

TICKER - The first is the company name abbreviation. This is used almost exclusively when talking about a company. It is used on the Stock Tips Chat, on the tickers, and is even what you are supposed to type in when you decide to buy.

You'll become very familiar with these abbreviations before you're done. CURR - The second yellowed area lists how much it costs to buy from that particular company right now. When you are looking to buy your shares for the day, this is the number you really need to concentrate on. Keep in mind that This means that the two stocks in the above sample CANNOT be purchased at this time. All stock purchases must be at least 15 nps a share, but are sometimes more. You may mix them up anyway you like, shares each of 4 companies, shares per 2 companies, etc.

What you want to watch for in this area is for shares that cost between 15 nps each and 17 nps each. This is for maximum profit If you're curious though, feel free to read on. LOGO - Well, the logo just has pictures that help you keep track of what companies are competing with who. So all the companies with a Nerkmid logo are in the same business.

What does this mean to you? COMPANY NAME - Just what it says. These are rarely used. VOLUME - In the "ancient days" of the stock market, volume was used to increase profits. The more shares that were bought of a certain company, the better the company did. This is no longer a fact. People abused this by grouping together and buying in huge quantities, which caused serious trouble on the market. Now, it is just a fun fact and means nothing in the game. If anyone tells you to "buy this" or "buy that" so that the company will go up, they're wrong.

Buying shares no longer causes them to do anything but be added to your portfolio. Also, when a share dips below 15, the volume will show the number "0". That doesn't mean that no one owns that stock, it just won't show a number here until it is buyable because it shows how much of that stock was purchased that day. If no one can buy it, it can't list how many bought it, can it? OPEN - At 12 am Midnight Neopian Time, when a new Neopian day starts, the market "re-opens".

It never really closes, but this is how things are tracked. When it re-opens, whatever the current price listed for each company is becomes its "open price". So looking at our example, ACFI "opened" at It is now at 11, so it has gone up 1 np since then. CHANGE - Here you can just look at the colors to see what's going on. On the buying page, this really isn't important.

It becomes far more important on your portfolio page. Ok, now you know what the stuff means, how do you know what to buy? Well, the whole point of the stock market is to "buy low, and sell high". Think of your shop. When you buy a product for it, you want to get it for the lowest price you can This is the same thing, only on a larger scale. Here are two tips to help make you a great profit! Since Neopets only allows you to buy stocks from 15 nps and up, you should realize that buying a stock at that price THE lowest allowed is your best bet for a maximum return on your investment.

This does NOT mean that you HAVE to buy in this range I did say "try to stick to it", not "this is the only way, so you'd better stick to it". I know people who make a fine profit buying some stocks at 18 - 25 nps or more.

It is just better profit wise to try to buy as low as you can. When you're just starting out, deciding what to pay only becomes a true dilemma when you are diversifying your portfolio.

For example, let's say that the only stocks in the 15 - 17 nps range are ACFI, FAER, and SMUG. Now, if I look at my imaginary new portfolio I see that I already have 5 Lots of each of those stocks, but not of any of the others. At this point I might decide to buy HUW at 19 nps a share because it's the next lowest AND I don't have that stock yet. See what I mean? Don't be afraid to go outside the 15 - 17 np range. There will be people who tell you that you are only a "good player" if you buy at 15 nps a share.

These people are missing out on a LOT of profits, and not taking full advantage of the choices and diversification available to them. TRY to buy your stocks at around 15 - 17 nps, but don't be afraid to go outside that amount if it helps your portfolio be all that it can be. I know a friend who invested over 1 million neopoints in the company BOOM.

It was the only company he would buy from. Well, when BOOM went bankrupt, so did he! All those neopoints were just gone. Don't be like my friend. Buy a variety of different stocks so that you can not only be guaranteed NOT to lose your entire nest egg, but also so that if one stock is down, something else may be reaching upwards into selling range.

The best portfolios are the ones that have some stocks within selling range, some stocks on their way up, and some stocks just purchased that are sitting near the buy range.

This way you are balancing your portfolio and almost always will have something to buy and something you can sell if you need to. Diversifying can be taken too far, however.

If you stretch yourself too thin you'll only be selling 2 or 3 Lots of a stock and not making the big neopoints! Also, if you own too many companies, you will often be stuck holding onto stocks that just sit there Diversifying is good, but like medicine, it should be utilized properly lest you end up overdosing and killing your portfolio More advanced players might consider using a strategy or simply diversifying until they have something in just about everything.

Using a Strategy to build your portfolio is a good idea! You can focus on a wide variety of stocks, but they will be stocks that actually DO something for you, and you will have a fair idea of what that is going to be. Those who use strategies when building their ports make the most profit, and since you have goals, you can actually have more fun as well!

Think of it like this: Stocking your shop is not a whole lot of fun because it's mostly random stuff you bought while RSing or Sniping. However, stocking your gallery is fun because you are focused on a particular goal, and when you're done I suggest you take a look at the various strategies available to help you make the most of your port!

Remember that the market refreshes every 30 minutes. If you don't see something in your price range when you look the first time, but there are one or two that are sitting at 14 nps a share, or have fallen a few points and are almost within your range, that's ok!

Try back in 30 minutes and see if one of the companies is now within your price range. You can do this for the entire day. You will drive yourself absolutely mad if you constantly check your portfolio every 30 minutes.

Let the game do the work for you! If it makes you feel better, check every 2 - 4 hours or so and see how it's doing. When your stock gets high enough that you are almost ready to sell, then keep a closer eye on it. Otherwise, just use the 30 minute check when you're looking to buy and waiting for that perfect price.

How many shares should you buy? I would, however, recommend that you try to buy in even amounts so that you can keep track of things later Here is a daily price list so that you know how much you will need to buy your shares, and how much you'll get back. I have used increments of 10, as this is easier for all to understand.

As you can see, the more stock shares you buy, the more profit you will make.

Neopets Stock Market | Neopets Guides

That is why most players buy one full Lot a day. It maximizes their profit, while their risk stays fairly minimal. Buy what you can at first, or just jump in with both feet and buy one Lot a day.

Either way isn't wrong, but not buying a full Lot every day will make the wait on your profits that much longer. Buying a Stock - To actually buy a stock, go to the Find Stocks page and click on the abbreviation for the company you want to purchase. So, if you want to buy FAER, just click on the abbreviation that says FAER. This will take you to the company info page.

Just click the company name, and you will be at the "buy" page. Type in how many shares you want to buy, and click "Buy Shares". If you'd like an easy to read list of stocks that are all on sale for less than 20 nps each, then this is the link you need! It's the latest addition to Neopets' Stock Market, known to regular players as the Bargain Stocks page. Keep in mind - You can not buy MORE than shares a day of ANYTHING. So you can't buy shares of CHIA as well as shares of BOTT.

You can only buy TOTAL shares. Ok, you've decided on a stock, now where do you go and what do you do? Let's take a look at your portfolio, and see if we can explain it all to you TODAY - This area shows what your stocks have been up to all day. Open - How much the stock was worth at 12 am Midnight Neopian Time. Current Price - How much it is worth now. Change - How many points it has gone up or down since Open.

HOLDINGS - This area shows how many shares you have, and how many neopoints TOTALLED that you have invested in that company. Qty - How many shares you currently own. Paid - How much you have paid to invest in this company. OVERALL - This area is where things heat up! It is what your stock is doing FOR or AGAINST you. Mkt Value - How much your stocks are currently worth. If a stock is in the green, it can be sold at a profit.

If it is black, you will just get your neopoints back. If it is red, DON'T SELL! NEVER sell for less currency futures trading hours you paid So let's take a look at BOTT in the example above. It opened at 21 neopoints a share, and is now at 20 neopoints a share.

This means it has gone down 1 point since open today. I own 3 Lots of this stock, and have paid 45, neopoints so far for those shares totaled together. They neopets stock market bargains currently worth 60, neopoints if I sold them all. Are you starting to see what's going on? Let's take a look at another important area of your portfolio page At the VERY bottom of your page is a list of all your stocks information added together.

In the above example, you see these four numbers: Stocks go up and down all the time and this number represents ALL of your stocks. You can have one stock that is sitting below 15 neopoints, and another that is skyrocketing, and STILL show a red number here.

This is just a nice fun fact for you. Selling is the part most people have the worst trouble with. After all, how do you know when to sell and where do you go to do it? In my opinion, selling is a very personal thing. The one rule to remember is DON'T sell for less than you paid Other than bankruptcy, this is the ONLY way you can lose neopoints in this game. Here is a little list of questions to ask yourself before you decide it is the right time to sell What is my sell point?

This is how much you want your stock to be worth before you sell it. When you are just starting out, having a sell point of 30 is a good start. So if you bought 1 Lot of let's say BOTT at 15 nps a share, you spent 15, neopoints.

If your sell point is 30, optionshouse online stock trading when your stock reaches a CURRENT price of 30 nps a share, you will seasonal stock market swings an additional 15, neopoints Now if you wait longer, you will get a bigger profit That's the tricky part.

Researching the average highs and lows of your stocks will help immensely! If you know, for example, that EEEEE regularly reaches at least 60 nps, then you may want to hold onto it instead of selling at your normal 30 points. To learn more about researching your stocks, and developing a plan for setting your sell points, please read the How to Use This Site area.

Build up your bankroll so that your stocks start to pay for themselves, or your portfolio just plain stops growing, and then move on to the next sell point of 40 - 50 nps a share. Later you can move to 60, then This is a good strategy, and is for the deutsche bank forex fine term.

10 minute binary options stock signals trading system TIP - May I also recommend that you don't sell ALL of your shares at once. Keep one or two Lots just in case it does end up being a shooting star. Then you won't be disappointed if it continues to rise. Forex quanto costa I NEED the neopoints right now?

Am I happy with the profit I have made? If your stock has made monitoring the stock market crash of 1929 facts profit, and you just want to take your neopoints, go ahead! No one can tell you what you should sell at, and since it is YOUR portfolio you should decide what works best for you.

Keep in Mind - Selling all your stocks at 30 can quickly go from being a good thing, to feeling pretty silly if that stock goes up to, say, !

So, once you sell your stock It will drive you insane! Be happy that you have made your profit, and are now waiting on your next sale. So, you've decided to sell your stocks There's no "sell" button! TNT has cleverly disguised things with a little arrow that is kind of hard to see if you aren't looking for it. In this example, you can see the purple star around the arrow next to AAVL.

Click on the arrow next to the stock you want to sell. Now you will see a drop down list like the one under ACFI. See how the arrow has changed direction? To trading the trend line break forex far right there is a box under the SELL title. This is where you type in the amount of shares you stock market closed martin luther to sell.

You do not HAVE to sell all of the shares that are listed. For example, if I wanted to sell shares rather than the I have listed, I can just type that into the box. Once you have gone through all of your stocks and typed in all the stocks you want to sell, scroll to the bottom of the page. There is a button there that says, " Sell Shares ". Click that, and you will have sold all the shares you listed.

There is a fee for selling! It will cost you 20 neopoints no matter how many stocks you sell. This means that whether you sell 1 share orshares you will still only have to pay 20 nps total, NOT 20 nps per sale. You can sell more than 1 company at a time, and the fee will not change.

However, every time you press the Sell button you do get charged. If I sell 2 Lots of ACFI investing in stock market tips 4 Lots of HUW at the same time, my fee will be 20 nps.

If I go back later in the day and decide to sell two more Lots of ACFI I will have to pay another 20 np fee. See how it works? When you hit the SELL button, you have to pay the fee. Selling Your Stock - Articles of Interest to the Beginner Player. For a more detailed look at selling, and other ways to think about it that might interest you more, please see this excellent article from the Neopian Times!

The Science of Pressing "Sell" - by nyyankeesfan72 - A more advanced guide on selling. Quite possibly the riskiest way to play the market. However, there are a great many players who use it and enjoy it! Can you make neopoints with Day Trading? Can you do it with minimal risk to your nps like the regular game? Not by a australian binary options trading robot scam shot.

Find a stock that is at a high price. Usually well over - nps a share. RED BOX - Remember from before that this is the price that LUPE started with today. So at midnight Neopian Time it was selling for nps a share. In Day Trading, this would be the usual time to purchase this stock. GREEN BOX - This is how many neopoints it is worth now. Had you bought it at the opening price, you would market msn report stock already seen a 10 point increase in profits.

YELLOW BOX - Although this is important in the regular game, it means practically nothing in Day Trading. Because of the higher numbers you will be dealing with, the percentages can be misleading.

You may officially ignore this area. So here's how it the stock market bonifacio high street work: Let's pretend I bought shares of it at nps a share when the Market first opened.

That europe stock market etf me 27, neopoints. After waiting for about 6 hours, and checking every 30 minutes when the Market refreshes, I see that it has now gained 40 points and is selling for nps a share! I decide to go ahead and sell.

I am now walking away with nps. That's a profit of neopoints in just 1 day Now what if it actually had jumped 80 points? Remember that the stocks that are running over nps tend to make bigger jumps than your average stocks For those looking for a fast neopoint, it's tempting to use.

However, 888 binary options on goldfinger the Stock Market game the one constant is that what goes up also comes down When a stock skyrockets into unknown territory the chance that it will crash at an alarming rate rises with each day that it stays up there.

This means that you run the risk of losing everything you bought every time you play it! In the regular game the risk is VERY minimal, and you only run the chance of losing your nps in a bankruptcy. A while back there was a famous stock called BOOM. BOOM had a habit of dropping low and then bouncing way up and staying there paypal money adder hack software free download no survey a short time.

It was the ultimate Yo-Yo stock. Normally, it would be considered a stock buyers dream! Well, one day BOOM shot WAY up again, and naturally all the Day Traders flocked to buy their profit-making shares. I know people who binary options on fibonacci levels their limit of shares at the unheard of rate of nps and more!

Well folks, as we all know, BOOM went belly up. All those Day Traders had faithfully hung on to it praying it would rise again. Instead, it went bankrupt, and many Day Traders lost their shirts!

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At prices this steep, Day Trading becomes a risk of enormous proportions! Instead of only losing 15, nps should a stock bankrupt, you could lose hundreds of thousands depending on how many you backtesting options strategies thinkorswim Yes, the fast neopoints are VERY tempting, but in my opinion this way to play is definitely NOT worth the chance of losing it all.

Back to the Top Stock Myths. There are a lot of players out there who will tell you things that aren't true. Here are a few to remember when you are playing stocks:. It used to be that way, but now it is run by a mysterious program only known to TNT. If a stock goes bankrupt, it is a "dead stock". It will not rise from the market grave no matter how hard we all wish it would.

Some days there aren't any stocks in this range, or it may be a stock that you don't want or need right now. Whatever the reason, only YOU know how much you are willing to pay for a stock. Keeping it between 15 and 17 is good, but not set in stone. My stock is below 15! I have lost neopoints! You only lose neopoints two ways in this game. One is to have a company go bankrupt, and two is to sell for less than you paid. Stocks go up and down all the time.

Just wait a little while and it will come back up again. Nigel is the official Stock Market mascot, and knows what he's talking about.

Less than a week before I wrote this article, Nigel told me to invest in JCK. Considering that JCK is a bankrupt stock, and unavailable for the rest of eternity, that's asking quite a bit!

Nigel is nothing but "flavoring". He's there to remind you that the Stock Market still exists, and that is all. His one job is to collect the 20 neopoint fee when you sell stocks.

In short, don't listen to Nigel First of all, the Market is found ON the games page, and IS considered a game by TNT. Second of all, the rules for Neopets clearly state that ANYTHING that can produce neopoints So consider this mega-myth busted. Heard a good stock myth lately? Let me know about it, and I'll get it up here ASAP! Once you have built up your portfolio, and have gone from beginner status to intermediate status, you might be interested in having a goal for your portfolio.

Maybe you would like a portfolio that doesn't pay often, but pays big when it does. Or maybe you WANT to try to only buy at 15 to maximize your profits.

Stock Bargains Following Trump's Presidential Election - Any Deals On The Stock Market?

Here are four major strategies used by the advanced players that you may be interested in trying for yourself. There are 6 major strategies to choose from, and no reason at all why you can't combine them into whatever works best for you either. Like the title says, this is a simple strategy that requires very little research on the players part.

The basic premise is to only buy stocks that are at 15 nps. While this is a worthy strategy for maximum profits, and can lead to a diverse portfolio, it can just as quickly unbalance your port. Let me give you an example:. Let's say that I am only buying stocks at 15 nps each. After 1 month I will have theoretically purchased about 30 lots of different stocks. Unfortunately, the only stocks that were at 15 nps on this particular month were AAVL, FISH, and VPTS.

This means that I now have 10 lots of each of these stocks I am dangerously close to putting all of my eggs in one basket Of course, the advantage is that ftp put syntax unix it comes time to sell I will have made the maximum profit I can from each of these stocks as well. You would be surprised how difficult it can be to try to only buy stocks projected program for binary options indicator 15 nps.

The strategy CAN work, but it is very limited, and there is the danger of losing the integrity of your diversification planor even worse This one tends to today nymex crude oil price just a little over that line.

You may end up with too many stocks, and not enough of one particular stock to make a decent profit off of your sales. In my opinion, it is the second worst of the strategies available to you. For those of you who are mathematically inclined, want more diversification when starting out, or just don't care WHAT your portfolio looks uae exchange rate pound to indian rupees when you're done, the "Split Stocks" Method is presented as another alternative for you to use.

This method is usually employed when there are multiples of stocks in the buying range. For example, when 3 or more stocks are at 15 nps and you want all of them in your port. Since Neopets has a cap on how many stocks a person can buy a day, people who use this method feel that they are making the most of a bad situation. This way they can get at least SOME of the stocks they want in case those stocks move best way to make money fast illegally of their buying range before the next day.

The upside to this method is that you will have a diverse portfolio, as well as a larger pool of stocks to choose from in your buying range. You aren't limited by only one stock being available like everyone else. Also, since you only buy at 15 nps for this method, you will always make the most that you can from each sale. The downsides are multiple. First, it will frankly be a royal pain to try to sell your stocks. With shares of one stock here, and shares of another stock there, it can quickly take all the joy out of selling your stocks.

Also, since you aren't buying full Lots of a stock you won't be making the most profit should only one of your stocks rise into the heights. I have no advice for those who use this method. It honestly doesn't make much sense to me, and I consider it the worst of the bunch. But, since there are those who do play it, I thought I should at least be fair and add it to the mix. I guess I can say that if you want to try this method out, wait until you have become completely bored with the Market and THEN give it a go.

Maybe it will be the spark that brings the excitement back into the game for you. This method is the "spawn" of day trading, and is often confused with it. It is for those who love to take BIG risks, and just don't want to wait for a low priced stock to rise. This method is usually employed by more advanced players. In High Pricing, instead of buying low and selling high you will be buying high and selling for higher. Although it sounds like day trading, it isn't.

The thought behind this method is that high priced stocks tend to make bigger jumps when they do rise, so while you are still technically playing the same way as everyone else, you are theoretically not having to wait as long to cash in.

High Pricers tend to advocate the buying of stocks that are at 30 and over and currently on the rise, or stocks like LUPE or POWR that have been riding high for a while. The upside to this method is that you can make nps at a slightly faster rate. If a stock is currently skyrocketing, or has been mostly up for a while you will Many players of this method like to say, "No guts, no glory!!

The downsides are harsh. First of all, it costs a LOT more to buy these types of shares. This means you are risking a LOT more nps should the stock go bankrupt.

Let's say you bought shares of LUPE at nps a share. That means that you have spentneopoints on it rather than the 15, from buying at stock market quarter dates lower price Second of all, stocks which are very high for long lengths of time are usually fairly unstable.

While it is true that buying any stock is a risk, buying a high priced stock is even more so due to its complete unpredictability. No stock can truly be "predicted", but stock broking firms in lagos that begin to soar are especially hard to guess-timate, unlike the lower priced stocks.

This is not a method I would recommend to a new player. If you wish to give it a shot and take the big risk in hopes of a big payoff PLEASE do so only if you can a afford to lose a lot of nps, or b have a stable portfolio as a backup in case something awful does happen.

Personally, I feel that it isn't worth the risk, but that is only opinion. How you play is up to you, but do not say you weren't at least warned ahead of time. In the Stock Market there are stocks that are known to the more advanced players as "sleepers". These stocks barely move and are often overlooked by the average players. Ah, but the more advanced players know that "still waters run deep".

This means that they are aware that sleepers tend to do nothing for a LONG time, and then suddenly shoot over the mark for no reason whatsoever! Well known sleeper stocks include FISH, SWNC, and the more recent addition YIPP. To use this strategy, you would buy only the stocks that others seem to shy away from. You also should have a fairly high sell point, as these stocks are best sold at around - nps, instead of the normal 30 - 60 of the average sale.

Many people consider those who use the Sleeper Method as "Stock Collectors". You are, after all, basically collecting these sleeper stocks and holding them for far longer than any of your others.

The disadvantage is that you might have to wait a LONG time to see any profits from them, and they are thought by many to be most at risk for bankruptcy. It's a chancy undertaking that has paid off in the end for many. Also, if you confine your buys to JUST sleeper stocks not only are you risking a major blow to your portfolio should one bankrupt, but you are also dropping neopoints into stocks that aren't going to show a profit for a LONG time.

A port that doesn't pay for itself can become a burden very quickly. In essence, if you don't mind waiting a year or two for a really big score, this may be the method you want to use. Personally, I feel that if you really want to use this method, you should combine it with a simple diversification plan just in case.

To do this, buy your "Sleepers" when you can Try not to buy more than 4 or 5 Lots a week. Once you've reached your "max" on sleepers for the week, diversify with other stocks to keep your port balanced and keep the profits coming in until the big payoff.

The threat of an unbalanced port can be negated by the fact that since these stocks don't move much they aren't often in the buying range, so you can happily collect other stocks as you go. This is probably the most used strategy on Neopets. With this method, you decide how many of each stock you want to own before buying more of that particular company.

It does lead to a diversified port, and you can build up quite a collection of stocks before you reach your sell point. It's also easy to use and there is no research involved.

Here's how it works: When you have around 15 - 20 different companies, move on to the next step Let's say I set up my goal to be 5 Lots of each stock. That would mean that once I had 5 Lots of a particular stock, I would try to buy something else that I don't have 5 Lots of if I had a choice between two or more stocks in my buying range. This can make deciding which stocks to buy a LOT easier on you. In one months time, theoretically, I could have 5 Lots of 6 different stocks, OR 2 Lots of 15 different stocks.

Once you have 5 Lots of each stock in your portfolio, or close to it, move on to the next step. Some choose 8 Lots, others say I like nice even numbers, so I'll go with Keep in mind that you don't have to only buy 1 type of stock until it reaches your goal. You just don't want to go over 10 until the rest of your port is close to reaching your goal. Then raise it again. Now all of this is fine and dandy as long as the stocks you want are within buying range when you need them to be.

Sometimes that just doesn't happen. It's a game of Stock Market roulette. Sometimes you do well, other times you don't. Not only that, but because you are putting a "cap" on certain stocks at certain times you may actually be missing out on quite a few good stocks in order to purchase stocks that don't pay well or often.

You could end up sitting on 20 Lots of a stock that moves once every 2 years! While that may not be a bad thing to you, it can seriously put a crimp in your sales This is a good beginner method to start with, but then you should consider branching out and doing the research to really make your portfolio work!

If you take a good long look at the graphs and massive research that has been conducted on this site you will see that some stocks seem to make "mini-runs" to at least 60 on a fairly regular basis. This is interesting to those who prefer this method, as it means that by stocking up on these particular stocks they can make higher sales, and in turn, bigger profits!

There are only about 5 - 10 stocks that are known to do this, and proponents of this method try to buy ONLY those stocks to take advantage of the "big money".

Examples of the more popular stocks for this method are CHPS, EEEEE, and SHRX. Although it seems to be a great way to earn nps, it too has its disadvantages. Namely, since you will be buying ONLY those 5 - 10 stocks, you will not have a large pool of choices when it comes to buying. This puts you in danger of losing quite a bit of neopoints should one of them go bankrupt!

You should also consider the fact that sometimes there won't be one of your stocks available in your price range! Some may be way under 15 nps and some too far over. What do you do then? It is very hard to follow a method that is so confining. Is "Hyperstocking" a good method? It has similarities to the "Focused Strategy", but since you are mainly going for the mini-run stocks it is actually very different. It is a great np maker, and I consider it second only to the "Focused Strategy". Either one is almost guaranteed to be a money maker for you.

If you are looking for a strategy that will maximize your profits, and keep your portfolio diverse without going overboard, then this is the strategy for you! In this method, you will be focusing only on those stocks which have shown year after year to be proven performers. You will also be able to frankly ignore those that won't do much for other players. This means the guesswork of "what to buy" has been removed.

To use this method, you will need to do a little research. I suggest you go here These are the stocks that consistently have performed well over the history of the Market, and will be the ones you will buy for your portfolio. The advantage of this is that by using the history of each stock to properly choose your buys, you can almost guarantee to have a profit making portfolio for just a little extra effort.

How do I know that these are really the right stocks? Because years of exhaustive graphing and tedious record keeping have proven it! Although bankruptcy cannot be predicted, the ups and downs of the market can be given an educated guess by using a company's past performance. Is it as close as we will probably get to guaranteed?

The drawbacks are surprisingly few! The only major problem would be, what if you are only buying 6 or 7 companies, and one goes bankrupt! Since this cannot be predicted by history, it is a viable problem. Frankly, you run that risk no matter what you purchase when you play the game. I consider this the best strategy available to both new and more experienced players. How to Use this Site to Improve Your Portfolio.

This site is a treasure trove to making a fortune in the Stock Market! All you have to do is know where to look and how to properly use the information you find. Let's start with some of the links you see to the left of the page. When you are playing the market, sometimes you don't want to just buy whatever is in your price range.

There may even be times when you have 5 or more choices that ARE within your range, and you just aren't sure what may be the best buy in that situation. These 3 areas may be just what you're looking for! Stocks Reportcard - Beginners WAY at the bottom of all the links you will find a little lost link that calls itself Stocks Reportcard.

This is a beginners best friend! If you can read a report card, you can read these easily! All the stocks are graded by how often they move into selling range. You can easily see how much they average, what their highest amount has ever gotten to, etc.

For those who are unfamiliar with this method of grading, here is how it works:. A - Still really good - Profit generally within 6 - 8 months. Stocks Reportcard - Intermediate To the left you will see a link marked TOOLBOX. There is a goldmine of info here as well. Click that and then New Reportcards. Here you can find your own personal sell point and see which stocks have performed well for those particular points. To line them up so as to be able to read them easily, merely click on the area you are interested in learning about.

Mine happens to be 60 right now, so I'll use that. Notice how the page refreshes? That is because all of the stocks are now aligned from the best performing stocks to the least for that particular sell point. I now know which stocks have paid out the most often for that sell point.

The grades are slightly different for this sell point than for the beginners reportcard seen above, as each sell point will have different dates between peaks due to the higher or lower sell point amounts. There is also other information that you can research there as well, but now you know that you merely click on what you are interested in knowing about to find out what you need.

IF you know how to use them. They are also geared towards more advanced players. If you're just starting out, you may want to stick to the Reportcard charts until you get the hang of it. Thumbnail Links - Intermediate Want an overview of all the stocks at once, and don't want to click on a bunch of buttons? Just check out this link! All of the graphs have been downsized so that they are all on one page.

This way you can just take a glance and see which ones seem to move quicker than others. To enlarge them, simply click on them to see things closer up. For a more in-depth view, however, stick to the Text Links See below.

Text Links - Advanced On this page, you will find a large table with stuff like this Over the course of many seasons, the researchers here on the Neodaq Site have compiled quite a list of information about the movement and behavior of each and every company.

In order to use this tool properly, you must be able to read the graphs. Each link has a graph that shows you what that stock has done in the past, so that you might make a good guess as to what it may do in the future. If you look at the graph for AAVL on FULL you will see what it has done for the past 2 years!

If you look at the 31 DAYS graph, you will be able to see it's last peak. Is it way up past the red line? This means that it is currently peaking, and is not a good buy right now. Has it been a while since it last crossed that red line? It might be a good investment as it could rise soon. Look at the history, does it peak often?

All of these things could factor in your equation to help you make a better choice for your buys. In that case, you may want to check out the links for Richie's Data Mineand Raw Data. For questions concerning these areas, please contact Richie He is the genius behind them, and frankly they go WAY over even MY big head.

Still want more proof that this site has everything you need to create the most profitable ports in Neopets? How your sell point range will affect the grades of the stocks you wish to buy.

How many days you can expect to wait until your stock enters your sell point range. Again, for questions concerning this goldmine of information, please contact Richie who is the genius behind the math! You can also read about the best way to utilize this incredible information by checking out Richie's explanation on the Neodaq Forum.

There is no other site anywhere with as much information about the Stock Market as you will find on the Neodaq Forums. Any question you can think of has probably already been posted Asking questions isn't the only thing you can do there either.

Here are some of the highlights of what the forum can offer you! Questions and answers about anything and everything related to the Stock Market. Comparisons of others portfolios and strategies to help you make the most profit.

No having to wade through posts that aren't relevant to what you want to know. Of course, these aren't the only things it offers! There are other areas concerning Neopets as well, and the information there is just as astounding! This forum is easy to navigate, easy to understand, and even easier to enjoy! From a beginner, to that guy with the folder on every buy he's ever made, the forum has something to offer. Now that we have discussed all the pros and cons of just about everything, let's talk about the one thing nobody in the Market likes to talk about Bankruptcy is a fact of life in the Stock Market.

All stocks, no matter HOW great they've been in the past, are at risk of one day going belly up. This is a fact, not a myth. Whenever you play the game you are running the risk of losing through bankruptcy. It is the reason that Neopets still lets you make neopoints off the game, because they know one day they'll get ya!

Seriously though, many players have had to deal with this issue and it's only fair that you are informed about it as well. When it happens the most important thing is to not panic! If you have followed the diversification rules above, you are going to be ok. Should one of your companies go bankrupt, here's what will happen:. First, you will get a nasty sinking feeling in your gut.

Then, you'll click over as fast as you can to your portfolio to see if it really did happen. There, you will see your company logo, and a big fat "0" where all the numbers should be.

It is not coming back. Time to move on. Unless you want to keep looking at that nasty dead thing, might I suggest that you remove it from your inventory? There is absolutely no reason to keep it, as NO stock comes back from bankruptcy. Let me reiterate - As long as you have diversified your port, you will bounce back just fine. Yes, it really bites to lose all those nps, but we've all been there. You have other neopoints to make, so mourn if you must and then move on. IF, however, you have NOT diversified your port, you might be in a spot of trouble.

Assuming you have been playing for a while, a bankrupt company in a portfolio that isn't diversified is a death knell. It is extremely difficult to bounce back from a blow of those proportions. If you decide to continue playing, kudos to you! I do hope that you will diversify this time though. Bankruptcy is really the ONLY way you can lose neopoints playing this game if you've been playing it correctly.

Try to look at it this way Now the loss doesn't look so big, does it? Just keep in mind that no matter how red your stocks may look, they will one day turn green. It may take a while, but they'll get there. Take it slowly, don't be afraid to ask questions, and you'll be on the road to being a Stock Market Guru in no time! I do hope this article helps get you started on your new path, and that you become successful like so many other Stock Market players. Good luck to you, and happy profit-making!

Neopets Stock Market | Neopets Guides

If you still are having problems with the market, or you just want to clarify something you read in this article, feel free to drop me a neomail. My username is illianatgd. A BIG thank you to w3neo who owns the Neodaq. Without you, and your bevy of crack researchers, we would all still be very much in the dark when it comes to the Market!

Privacy Policy FastCounter by bCentral. Playing the Stock Market By: Stock Terms with Related Articles How Do I Sell? Incorrect Info Heard On the Boards Stock Strategies Helping You Buy Establishing Sell Points Neodaq Forum Bankruptcy DOES Happen Back to the Top Stock Terms There are a few terms that you should familiarize yourself with before you read on. Stock Terms - Articles of Interest to the Beginner Player For further reading, and to better understand all those terms the more advanced players are throwing at you, please see these helpful Neopian Times articles!

Back to the Top What You Need to Start One of the most frequent and difficult questions to answer is, "How many neopoints do I need to play the game? There are several ways you can prepare: So what about the rest of the stuff on this page? When bought at 15 nps a share Shares Cost to Buy Sold at 30 nps Sold at 60 nps Sold at 90 nps 1 15 nps 30 nps 60 nps 90 nps 10 nps nps nps nps 1, nps 3, nps 6, nps 9, nps 7, nps 15, nps 30, nps 45, nps 15, nps 30, nps 60, nps 90, nps.

Ok Better Best "Only at 15 NPs" "Sleeper Method" "Hyperstocking! SITE Home Investor's Guide NeoDaq Staff NeoDaq. Sold at 30 nps. Sold at 60 nps. Sold at 90 nps.

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